Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy for
INFINITYKNOWLEDGE Privacy Policy, It privacy policy has been all the source or Information compiled to better servee those who are concerned with ho their ‘Personally Identifiable Information’ (PII) is being used read all the details online. PII, as More step By step Reading in US policy and privacy law and details security, is more some high keywords that can be used on This is each ownor with more good personal Details to good identify, as well as contact, and this araea or country locate a each members, or to good data content identify an individual in context. so carefully Please read our all the points privacy policy to read a clear more understanding of how we collect all the Information, as well as use, app’s or otherwise handle your any copy my details (PII)Personally Identifiable Information in some fake accordance with Our INFINITYKNOWLEDGE website.

We do not need or required Any visitors or aricle writers to anydifficult Hardworking or signup to use Our website.

All the person visitors are free to visit our Website and easily get IMP INFINITYKNOWLEDGE Section, tabs, Category and navigate to all of its Useful post, peronal pages and Data contents.

INFINITYKNOWLEDGE do not any type of use cookies and localstorage Information to sell(Third party) your any kind of Data(Like as a user email, name mobile, Password) personal information to sell not any third parties or other any organization.

How do we Secure your information?

We do not use Amenableness all the content scanning to PCI use the standards way.

and also We use wordpress plugin to regular all the virus Malware Scanning.


🙂 first of all Our website Understand and save all the Information for future visits.

🙂 and Keep track all the good visitors of advertisements.

Third-party links :

INFINITYKNOWLEDGE do not external include or offer get third-party any products(Like as a refferels) or services on our basic Good Knowladge website.

Third-party disclosure :

INFINITYKNOWLEDGE do not any kind of the data sell, any type of the trade, or otherwise more data transfer to third way outside inlegal way to parties your (PII) means Personally Identifiable Information.

Contacting Us

If there are any type of some arrised questions our website (INFINITYKNOWLEDGE) regarding this read all the privacy policy, you may asking any way contact us using the personal information below.

Websiet URL :

Location : Rajkot – 360002,

Kothariya Main Road,

Gujrat, India.

Email :

We hope This Blogs(INFINITYKNOWLEDGE) can help you…….Good Luck! 🙂 🙂 🙂 :).