Angular UI Grid Table Example Steps

Angular UI Grid Table Example Steps

Welcome to the In website! You will Step By Step learn web programming, easy and very fun. This website allmost provides you with a complete web programming tutorial presented in an easy-to-follow manner. Each web programming tutorial has all the practical examples with web programming script and screenshots available.AngularJS – Angular UI Grid Example (Steps)

AngularJS Grid system

create a index.html page to include angular.js,angular-touch.js and angular-animate.js and also include css.

Now create a module(infinityknow) this is a module name in angularjs application.then create a as a controller (infinityknowCtrl) name in this app.

READ :  Angular ng-app directive Example

Last include file app.js it’s a main part of angularjs application.means custom js include in index.html page.

Gridview mostly used ui-grid in this angularjs application.

Example of Angular UI Grid (for table)




Angular UI Grid | Example,demo with Gridview in AngularUI



Custom Logic File in include same path – > app.js



// infinityknow its used module name
var app = angular.module(‘infinityknow’, [‘ngAnimate’, ‘ngTouch’, ‘ui.grid’, ‘ui.grid.selection’, ‘ui.grid.edit’,’ui.grid.cellNav’]);

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//infinityknowCtrl its used controller name
app.controller(‘infinityknowCtrl’, [‘$scope’, function ($scope) {

//some records of json using loading time
$ = [
{ name: ‘angular ‘, title: ‘demo angularjs’,lname: ‘gridview’ ,address: ‘char us road’ ,city: ‘USA’ ,status: ‘Active’  },
{ name: ‘Test add ‘, title: ‘Test add’,lname: ‘Test add’ ,address: ‘Test add’ ,city: ‘Test add’ ,status: ‘Test add’  }

//Create a column name
$scope.columnDefs = [
{name: ‘name’, cellEditableCondition:true},
{name: ‘title’, cellEditableCondition:true},
{name: ‘lname’, cellEditableCondition:true},
{name: ‘address’, cellEditableCondition:true},
{name: ‘city’, cellEditableCondition:true},
{name: ‘status’, cellEditableCondition:true}

$ { name: ‘Test add ‘, title: ‘Test add’,lname: ‘Test add’ ,address: ‘Test add’ ,city: ‘Test add’ ,status: ‘Test add’  });

$, 0, { name: ‘Test add ‘, title: ‘Test add’,lname: ‘Test add’ ,address: ‘Test add’ ,city: ‘Test add’ ,status: ‘Test add’  });

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Demo Example

We hope you get an idea about AngularJS UI Grid (Sorting, Filtering, Paging, Grouping)
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