9999+ High Authority Guest Posting Sites List 2024

Are you looking for Top Guest Posting Sites If yes, then you are in the right place. In this guide, We are going to share the best Guest Posting Sites List.

Friends, you must have read about guest posting sites in many blogs. Do you know what are the benefits of Guest Blogging? And if you want to submit Guest Post on infinityknow then read this post.

Best High Authority Sites for Guest Posting – Guest Posting Sites

Guest Posting Sites
Guest Posting Sites

Free High Authority Guest Blogging Sites List.

High Authority Guest Blogging Sites {guest posting sites}

Blog Name/URL Categories DA PA Contact/Email
https://www.pakainfo.com/ General 45 59 jdk.king25@gmail.com
https://infinityknow.com/ General 35 25 php.king25@gmail.com
https://www.itsolutionstuck.com/ General 20 15 itsolutionstuck@gmail.com

Arts & Entertainment Blogs

Blog Name/URL Categories DA PA Contact/Email
coming soon

Business & Industrial Blogs

Blog Name/URL Categories DA PA Contact/Email
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Digital Marketing Blogs

Blog Name/URL Categories DA PA Contact/Email
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Family & Community Blogs

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Finance Blogs

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Food & Groceries Blogs

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Health Blogs

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Hobbies & Leisure Blogs

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Home & Garden Blogs

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Jobs & Education Blogs

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Law & Government Blogs

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News, Media & Publications Blogs

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Real Estate Blogs

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Sports & Fitness Blogs

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Technology Blogs

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Travel & Tourism Blogs

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Web design Blogs

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Guest Posting: How & Why You Should Be Doing It

What is a Guest Post
What is a Guest Post

What is Guest Post? If you do blogging then you must have always heard about this thing that guest post should be done but if you do not have knowledge about it then in this post you will know what is guest post in blogging?

So let’s know without wasting time what is the guest post?

When you write an article or post for any other website, it is called guest post and in return you ask for a dofollow backlink from that website, it is also done with money or someone does it for free.

Now for example, suppose you want to write a guest post, then go to your competitor’s website and contact them to write a post for your website, but you will give us a backlink in return.

Now it depends on the person in front whether he will take money from you or not and if he takes, how much will he take?

Before writing a guest post for any other website, it should be known that what is the Domain Authority of that website? And what is the spam score of that website, which you can check from the link given below –

DA & PA & Spam Score Checker

If you see in this that the DA PA and Spam Score of that website is good, then you can write a post for that website and send them as a sample, you can take a link to your website.

Why You Should Be Doing It?

Guest post is needed to increase the DA and PA of your website, which in a way is called backlink only.

If your website’s DA and PA increases, then the search engine will rank your website’s posts quickly and get maximum traffic to your website. That’s why you should do guest post for your website and that too after checking what is its DA and PA?

The Ultimate Guide to Guest Blogging / Guest Posting Sites


Today, in this post, what is Guest Post and how it is written, I will tell you the complete information. This post is going to be very useful for all bloggers, so you should understand this post well and write guest post by the method mentioned.

By the way, all bloggers already know about guest post, what is guest post. Still know that what is guest post or what happens.

What is post guest?

What is guest post? – When we write a post or article on another blog or website of a guest and the owner of that blog publishes that post, then such post is called guest post.

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With a good guest post, you get a quality backlink for your blog or website and this backlink is a do follow backlink, you must know how much Do Follow Backlink is necessary to grow your blog or website.

So, to create lots of the HD quality backlinks, you should write lots of the guest posts. Now you will need to know how to write a good guest post?

How to write guest post?

The purpose of writing a guest post is to grow your post or website. Therefore, while writing a guest post, you should definitely mention your website or blog. Therefor that the reader must know by whom this article has been written.

The second most important thing is that to make backlink, you must make a link to some important posts of your blog because most of the guest posts, posts are written to grow and grow the website or blog.

All this you need, you should do it, but to write a good guest post, you should also keep in mind the need to write guest post on that website, along with it should also be noted that your post has an image of that blog or in any way. do not harm

Guest posting method – Sites for Guest Posting

Now after having all the information, if you write a wish guest post, then it has to be published on any blog or website.

which blog or website is allowed to guest post, you should do guest post on that blog itself and guest post Before doing this, you must talk to him through email once and the kind of post you want to write should also be told that I want to write this kind of guest post on your blog.

When he gives you permission, then you should write a nice guest post accordingly and share the post on the given email. They will polish your post as guest post.

Terms and Conditions for Guest Post

  1. Your guest post should be 100% new and unique post, should not be copied from internet, from any website or from any blog
  2. Write the post in short paragraphs, so that it is easy for the visitor to read.
  3. While doing External Linking in the post, keep in mind that DA, PA and Spam Score of the linking site is valid, External Linking of Spam Website is not considered.
  4. It is good if there is 1 copyright free image related to the post. Or is not necessary.
  5. Guest post must be at least more than 1000+ words, for this you should check by going to Word Count.
  6. If you run your own blog, please send us a link to it.
  7. Do not publish any other post or information that you give us.
  8. Infinityknow.com will have the final decision on publishing your post.
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Submit Guest Post – Guest Posting Sites List

Submit Guest Post
Submit Guest Post

Quality Standard of Article:

The article should have a minimum of 800 words and should cover the topic in detail. Imperfect details are like a half-cooked meal; No one likes an incomplete article.

infinityknow.com pays special attention to quality in accepting guest posts. To ensure that your article is published, write an original article and it has not been published anywhere and on any website before. Your guest post has been specially written for the readers of infinityknow.com.

It may take 3-5 days for your guest post to be published. It will depend on the number of posts waiting to be published already.

infinityknow’s Admin:

To publish the post, after reading your post well, keep the paragraph short and after formatting it well, send it to Email- php.king25@gmail.com by writing Guest Post in the subject.

Credit / Credit:

infinityknow.com respects individual work and if your idea is taken from someone else’s work, feel free to give them credit. The images you use on your posts. Please credit their sources where credit is required.

Screenshot + Video:

Images speak a thousand words. Add images to convey your message, but don’t add them just for the sake of it. If you’re writing a tutorial, take a screenshot.

Self Promotion/Backlink:

We allow genuine contribution and you can add a do-follow backlink to the related post of your website in the content of the post. Also you will get a chance to build a brand for yourself by contributing to infinityknow’s post. You will be able to get more visitors by sharing this guest post on your social media account and your authority will also increase.


We respect everyone’s work. If we find that you have copied a post from somewhere else, you will be immediately banned and all your blog posts and profiles will be removed from infinityknow.

Furthermore, by submitting a post to infinityknow, you grant us copyright ownership of the post. This helps us deal with any DMCA related issues.


Comments are conversations about your published article. Answer any query related to your article through comments. This will give you more exposure and help your readers.

Also read this post: guest posting sites

What are the benefits of Guest Blogging?

  1. Brand awareness and awareness of your site increase in people.
  2. Likes/shares are encouraged in social media
  3. Qualified leads are generated which benefit you.
  4. New bloggers can bring traffic to their blog by guest posting.
  5. Sharpen your content marketing skills, which develops more professional skills in you.
  6. The post will be posted in your name as well as a link to your website will also be given in the Author Box.
  7. Useful feedback is received from the community. Your work improves.
  8. You can create High Quality Backlinks for your blog or website for free.
  9. You get immediate attention for target traffic.
  10. Your backlink profile is strong and offpage SEO improves.
  11. Connection is made with bloggers of your niche
  12. Your online authority improves.
  13. Guest blogging is a great way to increase the online authority of your blog.
  14. Your personal network is expanding.
  15. Your social media pages and profiles get a chance to grow quickly.
  16. Some websites also do paid guest posts, with the help of this you can also earn money by doing content writing.

Conclusions Of Guest Posting sites

Friends, I hope that now you have come to know that what is the Guest Posting sites? And what is guest post? And how do you have to make it?, And if you have any question related to it, then do comment below.

Guest Posting Sites Video

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