Today, We want to share with you MVC Framework PHP Tutorial with Example.In this post we will show you php mvc framework tutorial, hear for model view controller architecture we will give you demo and example for implement.In this post, we will learn about PHP – Model View Controller (MVC) with an example.
MVC Framework PHP Tutorial
There are the Following The simple About Simple MVC Framework PHP Tutorial Full Information With Example and source code.It’s one Type of the model view controller architecture.
PHP or any Programming Languages to used MVC(Model-View-Controller) is a one type of the Structure pattern that is main used in any web or software development.

Now this Time, There are lots of the more PHP web frameworks based on main MVC(presentation layer) pattern such as Symfony, Laravel, Cake PHP, Yii framework, Zend framework, Code igniter etc.
The MVC simple Best pattern separates web an application in mainly 3 modules: such as a Model, View and Controller:
Our Basic php Model View Controller example has a simple below folder structure, All The files and folders each MVC module in included on one folder:

MVC Framework PHP Tutorial – Model
It’s the Basic display or excutions Content data and the main logic of your an application structure.
Example, Inserting, storing, sorting, deleting, editing, updating the web application data.
Model and Entity Classes
class Model {
public function getStudentList()
return array(
“Jaydeep” => new Student(“Jaydeep”, “Gondaliya”, “A classic student.”),
“Ankit” => new Student(“Ankit”, “Kathiriya”, “”),
“Krunal” => new Student(“Krunal”, “Sisodiya”, “”)
public function getStudent($firstname)
$allStudents = $this->getStudentList();
return $allStudents[$firstname];
class Student {
public $firstname;
public $lastname;
public $information;
public function __construct($firstname, $lastname, $information)
$this->firstname = $firstname;
$this->lastname = $lastname;
$this->information = $information;
MVC Framework PHP Tutorial – View
View in MVC Based on presentation layer
firstname . ‘
echo ‘LastName:’ . $student->lastname . ‘
echo ‘Information:’ . $student->information . ‘