paytm payment gateway integration in php

Paytm Payment Gateway Integration using PHP

In this post we will show you Paytm Payment Gateway Integration using PHP, hear for Paytm Payment Gateway Integration using PHP we will give you demo and example for implement.

It is safe to say that you are searching for installment answer for your site or portable application? Paytm installment entryway can be a correct decision for that. You can safely acknowledge installment utilizing with Paytm online installment. Paytm is simpler as it is connected with many administrations which make the online exchange helpful for the clients. This is one of the most secure and secured installment entryways in India for online exchange.

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So here in this post, we have disclosed simple strides to coordinate Paytm Payment Gateway with PHP.

Step1: Download Paytm Payment Gateway PHP Kit

First you need to download Paytm Payment Gateway PHP Kit from given link. You need to copy PaytmKit folder in your document root of your server.

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Step2: Update Paytm Gateways Configuration

Now open config_paytm.php file from the PaytmKit/lib folder and update the below constant values:

// Use PAYTM_ENVIRONMENT as 'PROD' if you wanted to do transaction in production environment else 'TEST' for doing transaction in testing environment.
// portal Change this constant's value with Merchant key downloaded 
define('PAYTM_MERCHANT_KEY', 'bKMfNxPPf_QdZppa');
// Paytm Change this constant's value with MID (Merchant ID) received 
define('PAYTM_MERCHANT_MID', 'DIY12386817555501617');
// Paytm Change this constant's value with Website name received 
define('PAYTM_MERCHANT_WEBSITE', 'DIYtestingweb');

Steps3: Create Form with Required Field

Now we will create form with required fields with values. As we are using Paytmkit, so you just need to pass action to pade_redirect.php and it will handle all, you don’t need to worry as the Paytmkit will handle everything like verifying CheckSum and other details.

<!-- title='how to Paytm Payment Gateway Integration using PHP' -->
<h3>How to Paytm Payment Gateway Integration using PHP</h3>
<form method="post" action="pade_redirect.php">
  <input id="ORDER_ID" tabindex="1" maxlength="20" size="20" name="ORDER_ID" autocomplete="off" value="<?php echo "ORDS" . rand(10110,99988899)?>">
  <input id="CUST_ID" tabindex="2" maxlength="12" size="12" name="CUST_ID" autocomplete="off" value="CUST001">
  <input id="INDUSTRY_TYPE_ID" tabindex="4" maxlength="12" size="12" name="INDUSTRY_TYPE_ID" autocomplete="off" value="Retail">
  <input id="CHANNEL_ID" tabindex="4" maxlength="12" size="12" name="CHANNEL_ID" autocomplete="off" value="WEB">
  <input title="TXN_AMOUNT" tabindex="10" type="text" name="TXN_AMOUNT" value="1">
  <input value="CheckOut" class="btn-submit" type="submit">


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Hope this code and post will helped you for implement Paytm Payment Gateway Integration using PHP. if you need any help or any feedback give it in comment section or you have good idea about this post you can give it comment section. Your comment will help us for help you more and improve infinityknow. we will give you this type of more interesting post in featured also so, For more interesting post and code Keep reading our blogs

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