what is Angular 2 and Difference between Angular 1 VS Angular 2

what is Angular 2 and Difference between Angular 1 VS Angular 2

Today, We want to share with you what is Angular 2 and Difference between Angular 1 VS Angular 2.
In this post we will show you what is Angular 2 and Difference between Angular 1 VS Angular 2, hear for what is Angular 2 and Difference between Angular 1 VS Angular 2 we will give you demo and example for implement.
In this post, we will learn about what is Angular 2 and Difference between Angular 1 VS Angular 2 with an example.

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what is Angular 2?

“Angular 2 is releted of an open source js framework to build web software and web applications in HTML css and JavaScript and has been mostly conceived as a mobile first approach.”

Angular 2 is just to completely revived framework.

Motivations for Angular 2 / More Angular 2

Performance,The Changing Web,Mobile and Ease of Use.

Features & Benefits Angular 2

Cross Platform

Progressive web apps

Speed and Performance

Code generation
Code splitting


Angular CLI

Full Development Story


Difference between Angular 1 VS Angular 2

Angular 2 is mobile oriented & better in performance.
Angular 2 provides more choice for languages.
Angular 2 implements web standards like components.
AngularJS 2.0 is not easy to setup as AngularJS 1.x.
Angular 1.x controllers and $scope are gone.
Different ways to define local variables.
Structural directives syntax is changed.
Angular 2 uses camelCase syntax for built-in directives.
Angular 2, directly uses the valid HTML DOM element properties and events.
One-way data binding directive replaced with [property].
Two-way data binding: ng-model replaced with [(ngModel)]
Way of Bootstrapping Angular Application is changed:
Ways of Dependency Injection is Changed- syntax changed.
Way of routing is Changed- syntax changed.

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var myApp = angular
.module(“mymodulename”, [])
.controller(“productController”, function($scope) {
var prods = { postname: “Angularjs 1”, price: 9586250 };
$scope.products = prods;

Angular 2 Components using TypeScript

import { Component } from ‘angular2/core’;

selector: ‘prodsdata’,
template: `



export class ProductComponent {
prods = { postname: ‘Angularjs 2’, price: 785268 };

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