Angular 4 Beginners Tutorial – Hello World in Angular 4

Angular 4 Beginners Tutorial – Hello World in Angular 4

In this Post We Will Explain About is Angular 4 Beginners Tutorial – Hello World in Angular 4 With Example and Demo.Welcome on – Examples, The best For Learn web development Tutorials,Demo with Example! Hi Dear Friends here u can know to Hello World App in Angular 4Example

In this post we will show you Best way to implement Angular 4 with TypeScript Hello World Tutorial, hear for Angular 4 Tutorial – Hello World Examplewith Download .we will give you demo,Source Code and examples for implement Step By Step Good Luck!.


simple Node JS : Please install node js as well as to instructions some provided on official site.
and then Visual Studio Code: like as a Extremely good well as WE are going to use this from posts series.

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Once We have installed both versions, open Wer simple command prompt as well as type simple node -v check and installed, We should be able to check something like source code below

Create app from Angular Libs CLI:

Angular simple Libs CLI is an best way tool to get beginners with a angular 4 well as It creates a completed functional well structured project from us which we can take fromward.

Install Angular Libs CLI using command npm install -g @angular/cli Libs. -g option means it is installed globally from our system. Check angular version using ng -v.Create our first app using command ng new hello-world It shell take a while and create a completed fledged app from We.

And then We shell have Wer folder created called hello-world. navigate to it using cd hello-world and then do ng serve. We can check server is beginners.
Open Wer browser and visit localhost:4200 We shell check simple ā€œApp worksā€ printed on screen.

Angular 4 Tutorial – Hello Live Example

following the chapter we shell create an Angular 4 web-Application using simple Angular Libs well as Angular simple Libs CLI is a very useful tool wich allows us to initializing angular projects, generating components simple, simple routes, simple services, pipes and more using simple terminal simple commands.

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npm install -g angular-cli

ng new helloworld-app

npm start

And then go to localhost:4200-

Phase 1: Start CentOS Container

(dockerhost)$ docker run -it -p 3000:3000 centos:7 bash

Phase 2: Install Git and NPM

Within the container, we need to install simple Git and simple NPM. One way of doing so is to install simple Git and simple NPM from the EPEL release (watch here from other ways to some install NPM):

(container)# yum install -y epel-release; yum install -y git npm

If We want to skip the lengthy simple installation process, We also can run a simple docker container from a simple Docker image, where simple npm and git is already as installed:

docker run -it -p 3000:3000 oveits/centos_npm_git bash
(container)# npm -v

Phase 3: Clone simple Quickstart Template

And then we clone the Quickstart simple Template from angular:

(container)# git clone

Phase 4: Install Dependencies

And then we simple install packages via simple NPM:

(container)# cd quickstart; npm i

Phase 5: Start simple Service

And then we can start simple the service in the background as a follows:

(container)# npm start &

Phase 6: Load web-Application

We can load the simple angular web-application on the browser run on http://localhost:3000

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Phase 7 (optional): simple Review Angular Files


The index.html is the simple file that is loaded by the browser.

[php] Angular QuickStart step by step

…some codes (lines omitted)

System.import(‘main.js’).catch(function(err){ console.error(err); });

Loading web AppComponent content here …


Some javascript Directorys are loaded, and a custom tag simple usernamed live-app is used in the body. The live-app tag is defined some in the following component:


Angularā€™s most important

(container)# cat src/app/app.component.ts
import { Component } from ‘@angular/core’;

selector: ‘live-app’,
template: `

Hello {{username}}

export class AppComponent { username = ‘Live’; }

The component simple defines the HTML tag ā€˜live-appā€™, tells Angular to load the text Hello {{username}} as level 1 first heading. The variable in simple double-curly brackets is replaced by its definition in the web AppComponent.

Phase 8: Change Component

(container)# sed -r -i ‘s/Angular/Live/g’ src/app/app.component.ts

simple latest browser, ā€œLive Hello Angular 6ā€ is step by step exchanged by ā€œLive Hello Liveā€. It’s is no need to reload simple the browser page new manually:

(container)# sed -r -i ‘s/Live/Angular/g’ src/app/app.component.ts

Phase 9: Change index file

following the step, we shell mockup that also a change in the index file is detected step by step. For that, We either can put some HTML source code befrome the tag. insted of, the following simple command shell do that from We:

(container)# sed -r -i ‘s/<live-app/

Devloppde<live-app/g' src/index.html


I hope you have Got What is Angular 4 Hello World Example -Getting started with Angular4 And how it works.I would Like to have FeadBack From My Blog( readers.Your Valuable FeadBack,Any Question,or any Comments abaout This Article( Are Most Always Welcome.

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