Angular 6 Best Practices Application Directory Structure

Angular 6 Best Practices Application Directory Structure

Today, We want to share with you Angular 6 Best Practices Application Directory Structure.
In this post we will show you angular 6 folder structure best practices, hear for Angular 6 Application’s Folder Structure and Important Files we will give you demo and example for implement.
In this post, we will learn about Angular 6 Application Architecture with an example.

Developing Angular 6 Application Architecture apps with Angular main CLI is a very Good and lightweight experience! Angular 6 team supported us with amazing animation and spa’s CLI which supports most of the good easy and best things which are step by step Intigration needed for any Angular 6 Application’s Folder Structure and Important Files project out of the box.

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|– app
|– modules
|– main
|– [+] components
|– [+] pages
|– home-routing.module.ts
|– home.module.ts
|– core
|– [+] authentication
|– [+] footer
|– [+] guards
|– [+] http
|– [+] interceptors
|– [+] mocks
|– [+] services
|– [+] header
|– core.module.ts
|– ensureModuleLoadedOnceGuard.ts
|– logger.service.ts
|– shared
|– [+] components
|– [+] directives
|– [+] pipes
|– [+] configs
|– libs
|– scss
|– [+] View
|– _base.scss
|– styles.scss

|– modules
|– home
|– components
|– pages
| |– home
| |– home.component.ts|html|scss|spec
|– home-routing.module.ts
|– home.module.ts

What are we going to learn Angular 6

  • aliases
  • Sass and Angular Material
  • production build
  • Headless Chrome
  • changelog
  • Core, Shared
  • lazy-loaded Feature
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We hope you get an idea about angular 6 folder structure best practices
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We hope This Post can help you…….Good Luck!.

Searches related to : Application folder structure Angular 6

  • AngularJS 6 Folder Structure
  • Angular 6 Application Structure
  • angular 6 folder structure best practices

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