Angular Autocomplete multiple Tags value

Angular Autocomplete multiple Tags value

Today, We want to share with you Angularjs Autocomplete multiple Tags value.In this post we will show you angularjs autocomplete multiple values Example, hear for ngTagsInput – Tags input directive for AngularJS we will give you demo and example for implement.
In this post, we will learn about angularjs – Angular multi selector autocomplete with an example.

Getting Search Remote Data in Simple JSON format using $http from: angularjs autocomplete to search for matches data from local or remote server data sources and display user friendly output.
angularjs autocomplete is a special search input data component with a display drop-down of all user need to possible matches – result to a create a custom query.

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Welcome to the In website! You will Step By Step learn web programming, easy and very fun. This website allmost provides you with a complete web programming tutorial presented in an easy-to-follow manner. Each web programming tutorial has all the practical examples with web programming script and screenshots available.angularjs autocomplete multiple values Example

angularjs autocomplete multiple values Example


Getting Search Remote Data in Simple JSON format using $http from


Second Example : angularjs autocomplete $http example with demo


Getting Search Remote Data in Simple JSON format using $http from

Select value using Model: {{langselected| json}}




angular.module(‘ngmyAppdemo’, [‘ui.bootstrap’]); // init module

function EXTypeaheadngCtrl($scope) // call a controller
$scope.langselected = undefined;
$scope.languageslist = [];

$scope.demooneditExample = function() // call demooneditExample function
$scope.languageslist = [];

$scope.languageslist=[“Laravel”, “PHP”, “HTML”,”Example”,”Download”,”DEMO”,”Angularjs”,”Ionic”, “MVC”,”Vuejs”,”Oracle”, “SQL”,”MEAN.js”,”CI”];



Example of autocomplete in angularjs with jquery

include Scripts





var exApp = angular.module(‘neamYourAppex’, [‘angular-jquery-autocomplete’]); //init Module







$scope.demolabelexDevicesimAutoCompletebox = {
source: function (request, response) { //call a Function
var array = []; // init array
array.push({ languages: ‘Laravel’, value: 1 });
response(array); //response display here
minLength: 4, // set display minLength
select: function (event, ui) { //call a Function
this.value = ui.item.languages; // set this langvalues

return false; //return false


Demo :

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