Angular interview questions for freshers

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Angular interview questions for freshers

Today, We want to share with you Angular interview questions for freshers.
In this post we will show you Angular interview questions for freshers, hear for Angular interview questions for freshers we will give you demo and example for implement.
In this post, we will learn about Angular interview questions for freshers with an example.

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Question No : 1 : What is AngularJS?

AngularJS is a simple structural framework used for dynamic web-application. It lets you use HTML page as your template language and lets you extend HTML’s elements syntax to express your web-application’s components and used to mobile approach clearly and succinctly. Angularjs data binding and two way data binding and dependency injection support eliminate much of the code you currently have to write.

Question No : 2 : What is data binding in AngularJS?

The Data-binding in AngularJS web-apps is the automatic synchronization data of data between the model structural and view components.

Question No : 3 : What is scope in AngularJS?

The scope is the binding part between the HTML page (view-side) and the JavaScript side (controller part). The scope is an one type of object with the available some properties and methods.Simple Means (Scope is join between html page and controller)

Question No : 4 : What are the controllers in AngularJS?

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Question No : 5 : What are the services in AngularJS?

In infinityknow AngularJS Tutorials, a service is a one type of function, or object and that is available any for, and limited to particular, your AngularJS web-application.

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Question No : 6 : What are the filters in AngularJS?

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Question No : 7 : Explain directives in AngularJS.

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Question No : 8 : Explain templates in AngularJS.

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Question No : 9 : What is routing in AngularJS?

Question No : 10 : What is deep linking in AngularJS?

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Question No : 11 : What are the advantages of AngularJS?

  • AngularJS is Dependency Injection:
  • AngularJS is Two way data binding:
  • AngularJS easy to Testing:
  • AngularJS is Model View Controller(MVC) Structure:

Question No : 12 : What are the disadvantages of AngularJS?

JavaScript Dependent : If end user disables JavaScript,So AngularJS will not work Proper.
Not Secured: It is JavaScript Like(Based) framework so it is not safe (Auth is not safe) to authenticate user through AngularJS only.

Question No : 13 : Which are the core directives of AngularJS?

you will get ng-app, ng-model and ng-bind in the core angular.js module. ng-view is part of the angular-route module which needs to be loaded separately.

Question No : 14 : Explain AngularJS boot process.

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Question No : 15 : What is MVC?

AngularJS – MVC Architecture. The Model View Controller or MVC as it is popularly called, is a software design pattern for developing all web applications.

Question No : 16 : Explain ng-app directive.

Body element become(ng-app) the root element for the AngularJS app’s.
ng-app module to load with the application in AngularJS.
and it’s a optional directive.

The ng-app directive says to AngularJS that the

or any html element is the “owner” of an AngularJS app’s.

Question No : 17 : Explain ng-model directive.

The ng-model directive is what Angular uses to two-way data bind values to controls, Example Like as a…

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Question No : 18 : Explain ng-bind directive.

It’s used to bind the data value of an all input field to a variable generated in AngularJS.

Question No : 19 : Explain ng-controller directive.

The AngularJS mostly used to ng-controller directive adds a controller class to the view part of the (your web application). It is the one type of key aspect which specifies portion or scope the principles behind the Model-View-Controller simple design pattern.

ng-controller directive is supported by all HTML elements.(Like div,p,table,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,span.etc…) A controller directive is a JavaScript(js) object containing set all attributes or all properties with functions.

AngularJS controllers as a control the data of AngularJS web applications.
AngularJS controllers are supported by regular JavaScript Objects.

Question No : 20 : How AngularJS integrates with HTML?

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Question No : 21: Explain ng-init directive.

The ng-init directive attribute allows you to all evaluate scope to an expression in the simple current scope in angular.

The ng-init directive Simple initializes app’s data.

The ng-init directive Basic defines load to initial values for an AngularJS App’s.

Question No : 22: Explain ng-repeat directive.

The ngRepeat (ng-repeat) directive instantiates a template(Loops) once per item from a collection of Data.and $index(Like 1,2,3,4,5,6.etc..) is set to the item List index or key.

Question No : 23: What are AngularJS expressions?


My Simple First(Addition) Expression: {{ 5 + 5 }}

My Simple Second(Color init mode) Expression:

My Simple Third (Total in price) Expression: {{ qty * cprice }}


Question No : 24: Explain uppercase example.

AngularJS UpperCase Function : Example





var str = “”;
document.write(angular.uppercase(str) + “
var name = “infinityknow”;
if(angular.uppercase(name) == “infinityknow”)
document.write(“String are Equal”);
document.write(“Not Equal”);


Question No : 25: Explain lowercase example.

AngularJS LowerCase Function



Example :


var str = “WWW.infinityknow.COM”;
document.write(angular.lowercase(str) + “
var name = “Ravi Patadiya”;

if(angular.lowercase(name) == “Ravi Patadiya”)
document.write(“The String are Equal”);
document.write(“String are Not Equal”);


Question No : 26: Explain currency filter.

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Question No : 27: Explain filter filter.

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Question No : 28: Explain orderby filter.

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Question No : 29: Explain ng-disabled directive.

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Question No : 30: Explain ng-show directive.

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Question No : 31: Explain ng-hide directive.

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Question No : 32: Explain ng-click directive.

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Question No : 33: How angular.module works?

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Question No : 34: How to validate data in AngularJS?

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Question No : 35: Explain ng-include directive.

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Question No : 36: How to make an ajax call using Angular JS?

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Question No : 37: What is use of $routeProvider in AngularJS?

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Question No : 38: What is $rootScope?

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Question No : 39: What is scope hierarchy in AngularJS?

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Question No : 40: What is a service?

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Question No : 41: What is service method?

AngularJS provides many more useful inbuilt services for example Like, $https:, $route, $window and $location etc.

All angularjs internal services starts with $ sign.)

AngularJS most supports the concepts of “Separation of Concerns” slogan using services architecture.

module.controller(‘myfirstController’, function($http){
//…something code

module.controller(‘mysecondController’, function($window){
//……something code

Question No : 42: What is factory method?

AngularJS factory is a simple Javascript function(js function) which allows you to add some (logic data and return)logic before creating the object(recreated object). and It returns the created new object.

Question No : 43: What are the differences between service and factory methods?

module.service( ‘serviceName’, function );

module.factory( ‘factoryName’, function );

Question No : 44: Which components can be injected as a dependency in AngularJS?

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Question No : 45: What is provider?

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Question No : 46: What is constant?

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Question No : 47: Is AngularJS extensible?

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Question No : 48: On which types of component can we create a custom directive?

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Question No : 49: What is internationalization?

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Question No : 50: How to implement internationalization in AngularJS?

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