Angular Introduction and Hello World Tutorial

Angular Introduction and Hello World Tutorial

Today, We want to share with you Angular Introduction and Hello World Tutorial.
In this post we will show you AngularJS Introduction and Hello World example, hear for angularjs hello world example Source code we will give you demo and example for implement.
In this post, we will learn about AngularJS: Introduction and Hello World with an example.

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What is AngularJS?

Angular JS is an open source JavaScript framework(Not Required Licence.) that is used to build web applications. It can be freely used(open source), changed and shared by anyone.

AngularJS is an excellent or easy learn framework for building (spa)single phase applications and More line of business applications.

Advantages of AngularJS over other JavaScript frameworks

AngularJS is Dependency Injection:
AngularJS is Two way data binding:
AngularJS easy to Testing:
AngularJS is Model View Controller(MVC) Structure:

Disadvantages of AngularJS

JavaScript Dependent : If end user disables JavaScript,So AngularJS will not work Proper.
Not Secured: It is JavaScript Like(Based) framework so it is not safe (Auth is not safe) to authenticate user through AngularJS only.

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First of you should Already Know : Prerequisites

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript

AngularJS fundamentals

AngularJS is a very powerful and easy one type of JavaScript Framework.
AngularJS is used in (SPA) Single Page Application projects.
AngularJS extends HTML with new attributes.
AngularJS is perfect for (SPAs)Single Page Applications.
AngularJS is Simple easy to learn.

Why should you Choose AngularJS?

AngularJS is made by Google.
AngularJS based websites are Easier to Maintain.
AngularJS is Easy Testing.
AngularJS is Two-Way Data Binding.
It does NOT Affect SEO Negatively.
Design Easier.
Faster, Buttery-smooth.
Flexible Routing.
Data Persistence.

AngularJs install

Download AngularJs -> go to -> click download button

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Example Of AngularJS : Hello World


AngularJS: Introduction and Hello World example

AngularJS:Hello World example

Hello : {{name}}


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