Angular Resource Encode and Decode URL

Angular Resource Encode and Decode URL

Today, We want to share with you Angular Resource Encode and Decode URL.
In this post we will show you AngularJs Encode and Decode URL example, hear for angular-url-encode – AngularJS Modules, Plugins and Directives we will give you demo and example for implement.
In this post, we will learn about angularjs – Angular Resource Encoding URL with an example.

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Welcome to the In website! You will Step By Step learn web programming, easy and very fun. This website allmost provides you with a complete web programming tutorial presented in an easy-to-follow manner. Each web programming tutorial has all the practical examples with web programming script and screenshots available.AngularJs Encode and Decode URL example

AngularJs Encode URL

The encodeURI() javascript function encodes string a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) in javascript.


encodeURI(URI) //Encode url string


//Simple print high-low pair ok demo
console.log(“message demo = “+encodeURI(‘\uD800\uDFFF’)); // Encode data

Simple Note:

1st : escape(): It will not be encode string special char: @*/+ // specail
2nd : encodeURI(): It will not encode string special char: ~!@#$&*()=:/,;?+’ // specail
3rd : encodeURIComponent(): It will not encode string special char : ~!*()’ // specail

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Example :



var ngApp = angular.module(‘ngApp’, []);
ngApp.filter(‘escape’, function() { // used escape
return window.encodeURIComponent; // in window print


File index.html

URL Encode

Example 2:


var sim_uri = “salesorder [email protected]&Userpass=Admin@9898”;
var res_data = encodeURI(sim_uri);

Full Example Encode URL:


JavaScript simple encodeURIComponent() Function with example


pageurl1 = {{pageurl1}}
salesorderurl2 = {{salesorderurl2}}


AngularJs Decode URL

The decodeURI() javascript function decodes a string Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) in javascript.



decodeURI(encodedURI) //Decode url


Example Final :


// base string

// encoded string


Full Example Decode URL:


JavaScript Simple decodeURIComponent() Function with Example


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BASICURL = {{basicurl}}
customsalesorderurl2 = {{customsalesorderurl2}}


Tools AngularJs URL – Encode / Decode

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