Angular simple progress bar using bootstrap

Angular simple progress bar using bootstrap

In this Post We Will Explain About is Angular simple progress bar using bootstrap angular 6 With Example and Demo.

Welcome on – Examples ,The best For Learn web development Tutorials,Demo with Example! Hi Dear Friends here u can know to javascript – dynamic bootstrap progress bar in angularJS

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In this post we will show you Best way to implement Angularjs Progress bar directive for entire application, hear for How to Bootstrap 3 progressbar directive for angularJS with Download .we will give you demo,Source Code and examples for implement Step By Step Good Luck!.

Here simple angular bootstrap progress I am going to explain how to created a progress bar using like as angular 1 and 2. I will be step by step explaining this by using simple bootstrap 2 and 3 as well as Angular.

Angular 1 progress bar using bootstrap 3


Angular simple progress bar using bootstrap.

{{livePerCurrent}}% Done


$scope.livePerCurrent = ’60’;

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If We want to simple progress show the text as well simply remove class using css ‘sr-only’. For example


Angular simple progress bar using bootstrap

{{livePerCurrent}}% Done


We can show data continuous progress depends on your menustatus. Check below example for that.

if(menustatus == ‘started’)
$scope.livePerCurrent = ‘33.33’;
}else if(menustatus === ‘inprogress’)
$scope.livePerCurrent = ‘66.66’;
$scope.livePerCurrent = ‘100’;

Angular 1 progress bar using bootstrap 2


Progress Bar properly with dynamic max value using Angular


Angular 2 progress bar using bootstrap 3

Let us simple check how we can data achieve this by using simple angular 2 concept.


{{livePerCurrent}}% Done


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export class App {
constructor() {
this.livePerCurrent = ’60’;

We can handle the simple css progress info as well similar data last way like we did in angular 1.


export class App {
constructor() {
this.livePerCurrent = ’60’;
if(menustatus == ‘started’)
this.livePerCurrent = ‘33.33’;
}else if(menustatus === ‘inprogress’)
this.livePerCurrent = ‘66.66’;
this.livePerCurrent = ‘100’;

Here the simple or main difference is the way some source css adding style. In angularjs simple 1 it is as a ‘ng-style’ and in angular 2 some it is code to [ngStyle]

Angular 2 progress bar using bootstrap 2

same as a sample angular progress-bar like in angular 1 source code, here simple code to also same data required only steps html changes.




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