Angular Top 10 Example for Beginners

Angular Top 10 Example for Beginners

Today, We want to share with you Angular Top 10 Example for Beginners.
In this post we will show you Angular Top 10 Example for Beginners, hear for Angular Top 10 Example for Beginners we will give you demo and example for implement.
In this post, we will learn about Angular Top 10 Example for Beginners with an example.

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Example : 1 Simple Hello-world


First Name :

Hello {{fname}}


Example : 2 AngularJS Expressions Example


My Simple First(Addition) Expression: {{ 5 + 5 }}

My Simple Second(Color init mode) Expression:

My Simple Third (Total in price) Expression: {{ qty * cprice }}


Example : 3 AngularJS Arrays Example


The First result display {{ points[0] }}

The Second result display {{ points[1] }}

The third result display {{ points[2] }}

The First result display

The Second result display

The third result display


Example : 4 Simple AngularJS Application


My Simple AngularJS Application

Simple AngularJS Application

Enter Two Numbers to Multiply:
= {{number1 * number2}}

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Example : 5 The ng-app Directive Example


The ng-app Directive Example

The ng-app Directive Example





Example : 6 AngularJS Expression(ADD_SUB_MUL_DIV):


AngularJS Expression(ADD_SUB_MUL_DIV)

AngularJS Expression(ADD_SUB_MUL_DIV)

5 + 4 = {{5 + 4}}
5 – 4 = {{5 – 4}}
5 * 4 = {{5 * 4}}
5 / 4 = {{5 / 4}}


Example : 7 AngularJS Controller: Example


AngularJS Controller: Example

AngularJS Controller: Example


var myngApp = angular.module(‘infinityknowApp’, []);

myngApp.controller(‘simpleCtrl’, function ($scope) {
$scope.ctrlmessage = “Wel-come to Hello World! Example with controller”;


Example : 8 Scope in AngularJS: Example


AngularJS Controller: Example

AngularJS Controller: Example

Your Controller Message:

var myngApp = angular.module(‘infinityknowApp’, []);

myngApp.controller(‘simpleCtrl’, function ($scope) {
$scope.ctrlmessage = “Wel-come to Hello World! Example with controller”;

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Example : 9 ng-repeat directive in AngularJS Example


ng-repeat directive in AngularJS Example

ng-repeat directive in AngularJS Example

  1. {{name}}


Example : 10 ng-if, ng-readonly, ng-disabled Example


ng-if, ng-readonly, ng-disabled Example

ng-if, ng-readonly, ng-disabled Example

Please Click Me Here:


Simple Read-only directive:

Disabled directive:


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