C# Collections Tutorial with Examples

C# Collections Tutorial with Examples

Today, We want to share with you C# Collections Tutorial with Examples.
In this post we will show you Basics of .NET Collections in C#, hear for C# Collections (Index) we will give you demo and example for implement.
In this post, we will learn about C# collections – working with CSharp collections with an example.

Introduction: C# Collections

In this post, we will learn about C# Collections .

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In C#, the collection represents group/bunch of objects. With the help of collections, you can perform various operations on objects such as a store, update, delete, sort search and retrieve.

In short, most noteworthy work can be performed by C# collections. We can store objects in the collection or array. The collection has an advantage over an array. The array has size limit but objects stored in the collection can grow or shrink therefore it is dynamic.

Types of Collections in C#:

There are 3 ways to work with collections. The three namespaces are listed below:

  • System.Collections.Generic
  • System.Collections
  • System.Collections.Concurrent

1. System.Collections.Generic classes:

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2. System.Collections classes

  • ArrayList
  • Stack
  • Queue
  • Hashtable

3. System.Collections.Concurrent classes

The System.Collections.Concurrent namespace provides set of classes for thread-safe operations. Now multiple threads will not cause problem for accessing the collection items.
This namespace has following classes:

  • BlockingCollection
  • ConcurrentBag
  • ConcurrentStack
  • ConcurrentQueue
  • ConcurrentDictionary
  • Partitioner
  • OrderablePartitioner

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You can also read about AngularJS, ASP.NET, VueJs, PHP.

I hope you get an idea about Top 10 C# Collections that Every C# Developer Must Know
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