Introduction to Angular 4 features Example

Introduction to Angular 4 features Example

Today, We want to share with you Introduction to Angular 4 features Example.
In this post we will show you Introduction to Angular 4 features Example, hear for Introduction to Angular 4 features Example we will give you demo and example for implement.
In this post, we will learn about Introduction to Angular 4 features Example with an example.

Angular 4 is backward compatible with Angular 2.

Angular 4 new features:

  • Angular 4 now if…else syntax in component very easy way to binding HTML templates
  • Stand alone new animation module
  • same as a TypeScript’s new module StrictNullChecks compliancy
  • Angular Universal new adoption by team all to live in core script
  • Performance live boost with FESM.
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But Angularjs 4 version is an advanced version of Angular 2 version and in it they are using more new recent latest version of same as typescript 2.1

Angularjs version 4.0.0 now available – invisible-makeover – and is now available script. This release is backwards and compatible with more version 2.x.x for most applications.

There are some changes following list of Angular 4 that make it popular:

1.Universal features of Angular 4
2.Animations features of Angular 4
3.Templates features of Angular 4
– Templates is now ng-template with ng-else features of Angular 4 features of Angular 4
6.Pipes features of Angular 4
7.Titlecase features of Angular 4
8.Http features of Angular 4
9.Test features of Angular 4
10.Service features of Angular 4
11.meta features of Angular 4
12.Forms features of Angular 4
13.validators features of Angular 4 select options features of Angular 4
15.Router features of Angular 4
16.paramMap features of Angular 4
17.canDeactivate features of Angular 4
18.ngplural(internationalization) features of Angular 4

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Tentative Angular 4 version release schedule

β€” patch releases latest angular 4 every week,
β€” 3 monthly minor changes release after each major changes release and
β€” a major changes release with simple easy-to-migrate-over with demo breaking changes to every 6 months

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