How can we clean the wooden doors of kitchen cabinets ?

How can we clean the wooden doors of kitchen cabinets? : Cabinets are the main point of virtually every kitchen, so people will notice if they’re unclean. The most common culprits are fingerprints, food splatters, and watermarks, although stronger stains can develop over time.

Fortunately, a few simple kitchen cabinet cleaning methods can help you deal with a variety of difficulties, including grease stains and sticky cabinets. Use our time-saving home improvement cleaning plan that alternates between spot-cleaning and deep cleaning to maintain your cabinets in tip-top shape.

When it’s time to clean, follow our recommendations for the best method to clean kitchen cabinets, which are suited to certain cabinet designs. After all, what may look well on a painted cabinet may not look good on a glass cabinet.

Before you begin, go through the procedures and double-check that you have all of the cleaning products you’ll need. We chose basic home cleaners like distilled white vinegar and baking soda for optimum ease, but it’s always a good idea to double-check your cupboard.

You should also be aware of the cabinet material you’re dealing with. It might be difficult to tell the difference between wood and laminate, for example. If you’re unsure, see your cabinet owner’s handbook or consult a cabinet specialist.

The fundamental procedures for cleaning wood kitchen cabinets are the same, regardless of the cleaner you use:

  • Wipe the cleaner on the exterior of the cabinet doors and drawers using a soft cloth or sponge. Heavy oil and dirt accumulation may require a little elbow grease to remove.
  • Clean the drawer pulls and door handles with the cleaner from the spray bottle.
  • Scrub the hardware, the wood surrounding the hardware, and the recesses of ornamental trim with a toothbrush soaked in the cleanser.
  • Clean the interior of the doors and drawers with the cleaner and part water with a damp cloth.
  • Remove the cleanser from all surfaces with a second cloth or sponge soaked in clean water.
  • Using a clean dry cloth, carefully dry all surfaces.
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Wood kitchen cabinets may be cleaned with light dish soap. Dip a microfiber cloth into the solution after adding a spray to hot water. Make sure you wring it out completely to avoid soaking the wood. Using a wet cloth, rinse with clean water and dry with a soft cloth.

Alternatively, use a solution specialized for the task, such as Murphy Oil Soap, to clean and polish wood cabinets. Make the solution according to the package directions, then gently wipe it over the cabinet door with a well-wrung-out cloth.

When you’re through, rinse with clean water applied with a second just-damp towel, then dry with a soft cloth. Is there wood anywhere else? This is also how you should clean wood worktops.

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Painted kitchen cabinets offer a long-lasting finish that should be easy to clean with warm water and dish soap. Apply the solution using a microfiber cloth, making sure it is wet but not soaked, as with wood cabinets.

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Use a moistened second towel to wipe away the residue. To finish, dry with a microfiber towel. Do your cabinets also need to be repainted? Take a look at our guide on painting kitchen cabinets.


Kitchen cabinets made of laminate are simple to maintain. These may also be cleaned with a dishwashing solution. Apply using a moistened cloth, being careful not to over-wet the cabinet doors, then rinse and buff with a microfiber cloth.

If you want, you may clean your laminate cabinets using a kitchen cleaner. Simply make sure it’s laminate-compatible and follow the directions.

Never use an abrasive cleaning on laminate, as you would on wood or painted surfaces. It is durable, yet it is susceptible to damage.


To remove fingerprints and make glass panels in kitchen cabinets sparkle, use a professional glass cleaner. The surrounding material should be cleaned according to its composition, but avoid getting the cleaner you’re using here on the glass, since it may create a residue that makes glass cleaning more difficult.

Stains on Wood Cabinets: How to Remove Them

Make a mixture of vinegar and salt to remove stubborn stains like syrup or chocolate. Scrub the stained area lightly with a toothbrush dipped in the paste. Scrubbing too vigorously or with steel wool may harm the wood. Using clean water, rinse the paste and pat it dry with a clean towel.

You may also clean the discoloration with baking soda and a damp sponge. To avoid scratching the cabinet surface, use a soft toothbrush or a scrub brush with nylon bristles.

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Make cautious to preserve your wood cabinets from potential stains now that you know how to clean them. Combine equal parts vegetable oil and vinegar and gently coat the cabinet surfaces. With a clean, gentle cloth, rub it in. Buff till it’s gleaming.


Grease is unavoidable in a kitchen due to the cooking process, and cupboards over the stovetop are particularly prone to accumulating a layer. Degreasing with a dish soap solution is effective without removing the door finish.

To get rid of oil, you might use white vinegar if you prefer natural cleaning solutions. Make a 60:40 vinegar-water solution and clean the cabinets with it, ensuring sure your cloth is moist but not soaked. Using a clean cloth, dry the dish.


Cleaning the insides of your kitchen cabinets is important, but you won’t need to do it as often as the doors – periodically are plenty. Empty them of any items and wipe the shelves and inside with a light cleanser with a microfiber towel for a deep clean. A toothbrush can aid in the removal of any tiny dirt from the crevices.

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In a pot of boiling water, steep two tea bags. Allow the tea to cool to room temperature before serving. Wash the wood with a delicate cloth that has been soaked in tea until it is wet. The tannic acid in tea is excellent for keeping wood in good condition. The way the wood shines will wow you.

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Apply non-gel toothpaste to the discoloration and massage with a soft cloth until it disappears. Mix equal amounts of baking soda and toothpaste to remove stubborn stains. Remove the toothpaste with a clean wet towel and allow it to dry completely.

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