Laravel Eloquent Join Multiple Table

In this post we will show you Laravel Eloquent Join Multiple Table, hear for join three table in laravel eloquent we will give you demo and example for implement.

Throughout, In this tutorial you’ll learn laravel join 2 tables using model.This article goes in detailed on implementing laravel join multiple conditions.If you want to learn laravel eloquent join with condition. So, from this post, you can find step by step process of doing how to fetch data from multiple table in laravel.

Laravel Eloquent Join Multiple Table

There are the Following The simple About laravel left join with relationships Full Information With Example and source code.

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As I will cover this Post with live Working example to develop laravel multiple table relationship

Using Joins in Laravel Eloquent Queries

Eloquent equivalent of left join Example

$productCategory = Product::where(‘id’, $productId)
->leftJoin(‘category’, ‘product.category’, ‘=’, ‘’)


Laravel Eloquent Join

Laravel Models :

class School extends BaseModel
public function locations()
return $this->hasMany(Location::class);

public function locationPrimary()
return $this->hasOne(Location::class)
->where(‘is_primary’, ‘=’, 1);

public function student()
return $this->belongsTo(Student::class);

class Location extends BaseModel
public function locationAddressPrimary()
return $this->hasOne(LocationAddress::class)
->where(‘is_primary’, ‘=’, 1);

class Student extends BaseModel
public function teacher()
return $this->belongsTo(State::class);


Join BelongsTo

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Join HasOne

Join HasMany

Join Mixed

Order BelongsTo

Web Programming Tutorials Example with Demo

Read :


You can also read about AngularJS, ASP.NET, VueJs, PHP.

I hope you get an idea about how to join 3 tables using laravel eloquent.
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