Most Useful Tips and Tricks for Notepad++ Keyboard Shortcuts
Today, We want to share with you Most Useful Tips and Tricks for Notepad++ Keyboard Shortcuts.In this post we will show you Notepad++ Tips & Features, hear for Useful Notepad++ Keyboard Shortcuts List we will give you demo and example for implement.
In this post, we will learn about 50 Most useful Notepad++ Keyboard Shortcuts keys with an example.
File menu Shortcuts for Notepad++
- Alt-F4 -:- Exit
- Ctrl-Alt-S -:- Save As
- Ctrl-N -:- New File
- Ctrl-O -:- Open File
- Ctrl-P -:- Print
- Ctrl-S -:- Save File
- Ctrl-Shift-S -:- Save All
- Ctrl-Shift-Tab -:- Previous Document
- Ctrl-Tab -:- Next Document
- Ctrl-W -:- Close Current Document
Edit menu Shortcuts for Notepad++
- ALT-C -:- Column Editor
- Alt-Backspace -:- Undo
- Ctrl-A -:- Select All
- Ctrl-Alt-L -:- Text Direction LTR
- Ctrl-Alt-R -:- Text Direction RTL
- Ctrl-B -:- Go to matching brace
- Ctrl-BackSpace -:- Delete to start of word
- Ctrl-C -:- Copy
- Ctrl-D -:- Duplicate Current Line
- Ctrl-Delete -:- Delete to end of word
- Ctrl-Enter -:- Launch Word Completion ListBox
- Ctrl-G -:- Launch GoToLine Dialog
- Ctrl-I -:- Split Lines
- Ctrl-Insert -:- Copy
- Ctrl-J -:- Join Lines
- Ctrl-L -:- Delete Current Line
- Ctrl-Q -:- Block comment/uncomment
- Ctrl-Shift-Q -:- Stream comment
- Ctrl-Shift-T -:- Copy current line to clipboard
- Ctrl-Shift-U -:- Convert to UPPER CASE
- Ctrl-Space -:- Launch CallTip ListBox
- Ctrl-U -:- Convert to lower case
- Ctrl-V -:- Paste
- Ctrl-X -:- Cut
- Ctrl-Y -:- Redo
- Ctrl-Z -:- Undo
- Shift-Delete -:- Cut
- Shift-Insert -:- Paste
Run menu Shortcuts for Notepad++
- Alt-F1 Get PHP help
- Alt-F2 Google search
- Alt-F3 Wikipedia search
- Alt-F5 Open file
- Alt-F6 Open file in another instance
- Ctrl-Alt-Shift-F Open in Safari
- Ctrl-Alt-Shift-I Open in IE
- Ctrl-Alt-Shift-O Send via Outlook
- Ctrl-Alt-Shift-R Open in Chrome
- Ctrl-Alt-Shift-X Open in Firefox
- F5 Launch Run Dialog
More : Notepad++ Keyboard Shortcuts
- Alt-(1~8) => Collapse the Level (1~8)
- Alt-0 => Fold All
- Alt-F4 => Exit
- Alt-Shft-(1~8) => Uncollapse the Level (1~8)
- Alt-Shft-0 => Unfold All
- Alt-Space => Launch Word Completion ListBox
- Ctrl-A => Select All
- Ctrl-Alt-F => Collapse the Current Level
- Ctrl-Alt-L => Text Direction LTR
- Ctrl-Alt-R => Text Direction RTL
- Ctrl-Alt-S => Save As
- Ctrl-Alt-Shft-F => Uncollapse the Current Level
- Ctrl-B => Go to matching brace
- Ctrl-BackSpace => Delete to start of word
- Ctrl-C => Copy
- Ctrl-D => Duplicate Current Line
- Ctrl-Delete => Delete to end of word
- Ctrl-F => Launch Find Dialog
- Ctrl-F2 => Toggle Bookmark
- Ctrl-F3 Find => (volatil) Next
- Ctrl-G => Launch GoToLine Dialog
- Ctrl-H => Launch Find / Replace Dialog
- Ctrl-I => Split Lines
- Ctrl-J => Join Lines
- Ctrl-Keypad/ => Restore the original size from zoom
- Ctrl-L => Delete Current Line
- Ctrl-N => New File
- Ctrl-O => Open File
- Ctrl-P => Print
- Ctrl-Q => Block comment/uncomment
- Ctrl-S => Save File
- Ctrl-Shft-BackSpace => Delete to start of line
- Ctrl-Shft-Delete => Delete to end of line
- Ctrl-Shft-Down => Move Current Line Down
- Ctrl-Shft-F => Find in Files
- Ctrl-Shft-F3 => Find
- Ctrl-Shft-I => Incremental Search
- Ctrl-Shft-P => Play recorded macro
- Ctrl-Shft-Q => Stream comment
- Ctrl-Shft-R => Start to record /Stop recording the macro
- Ctrl-Shft-S => Save All
- Ctrl-Shft-T => Copy current line to clipboard
- Ctrl-Shft-Tab => Previous Document
- Ctrl-Shft-U => Convert to UPPER CASE
- Ctrl-Shft-Up => Move Current Line Up
- Ctrl-Space => Launch CallTip ListBox
- Ctrl-T => Switch the current
- Ctrl-Tab => Next Document
- Ctrl-U => Convert to lower case
- Ctrl-V => Paste
- Ctrl-W => Close Current Document
- Ctrl-X => Cut
- Ctrl-Y => Redo
- Ctrl-Z => Undo
- F1 => About
- F11 Toggle => Full Screen Mode
- F2 => Go To Next Bookmark
- F3 => Find Next
- F5 => Launch Run Dialog
- Shft-F2 => Go To Previous Bookmark
- Shft-F3 => Find Previous
Read :
You can also read about AngularJS, ASP.NET, VueJs, PHP.
I hope you get an idea about Notepad++ Keyboard Shortcuts.
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