Vuejs Computed Properties – Vue Watch Completed property

Vuejs Computed Properties – Vue Watch Completed property

In this Post We Will Explain About is Vuejs Computed Properties – Vue Watch Completed property With Example and Demo.

Welcome on – Examples ,The best For Learn web development Tutorials,Demo with Example! Hi Dear Friends here u can know to How to Use Computed Properties in VueJS

In this post we will show you Best way to implement COMPUTED PROPERTIES using Vuejs Example, hear for How to javascript – VueJS How can i use computed property with v-for with Download .we will give you demo,Source Code and examples for implement Step By Step Good Luck!.

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What is Computed Properties in VueJS?

Computed properties in vuejs Example is the replacement some source code of inline logic using Vuejs on HTML template, we always use to simple write simple more operation, filters on HTML template it self or dependables, so for live create project it’s hard to main more maintain such kind of same logic on HTML templates, but vuejs simple provides a very better way to replace some data doing inline editor coding by using vuejs computed properties.

How to Use Computed Properties in VueJS?

Here we are simple going to use Latest example to get easy way to understand the syntax of simple vuejs computed properties Like as a Let’s first of all say we an your name and we simple want to display or run it revers name we can do that in simple Example the following way Vuejs Simple Example:

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Example Without using Vuejs Computed Properties


Simple VueJS 2.0 Computed Properties Examples

{{ name.split(”).reverse().join(”)}}[email protected]

var liveApp = new Vue({
el: “#liveApp”,
data: {
name: ‘DSP Patel’


Example using Vuejs Computed Properties


Simple VueJS 2.0 Computed Properties Examples

{{ liverevName }}[email protected]

var liveApp = new Vue({
el: “#liveApp”,
data: {
name: ‘Dsp Patel’
computed: {
liverevName: function()


Vuejs Real time to do list Example using Computed Properties Examples


Simple VueJS 2.0 Computed Properties Devloped By[email protected]

var liveApp = new Vue({
el: “#liveApp”,
data: {
work: ”,
works: [
{name: ‘Project 1’, status: true},
{name: ‘Project 2’, status: true},
{name: ‘Project 3’, status: true},
{name: ‘Project 4’, status: false},
{name: ‘Project 5’, status: false},
{name: ‘Project 6’, status: false},
{name: ‘Project 7’, status: false},
{name: ‘Project 8’, status: false},
computed: {
deonWorks: function () {
return (work) {
return work.status == true;
indoneWorks: function () {
return (work) {
return work.status == false;
methods: {
addTask: function () {
if ( != ”) {{name:, status: false}); = null;
deleteWork: function (work) {
var index =;, 1);
donework: function (work) {
work.status = true;



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