VueJS Dynamically add CSS Class

Today, We want to share with you VueJS Dynamically add CSS Class.In this post we will show you VueJS add dynamic class to manual class names, hear for Dynamically Add Classes with vuejs example we will give you demo and example for implement.In this post, we will learn about How to dynamically add CSS Classes to vue Elements using State with an example.

VueJS Dynamically add CSS Class

There are the Following The simple About VueJS Dynamically add CSS Class Full Information With Example and source code.

READ :  vuejs Introduction hello world example

As I will cover this Post with live Working example to develop How to Dynamically Add a Class Name in Vue, so the vue add class conditionally for this example is following below.

vue.js Static and Dynamic Classes

vuejs Static and Dynamic Classes our components

using v-bind



vuejs changes for positioning as well as layout, as well as dynamic classes

export default {
data() {
return {
box: ‘blue-box’,
.blue-box {
color: navy;
background: white;

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Using a simple Javascript Expression

vuejs Guard Expressions


Many Ways We using vuejs Ternaries
const result = expression ? ifTrue : ifFalse;
const result = expression
? ifTrue
: ifFalse;
Example between two different values


Vuejs the Array Syntax



vue.js the Object Syntax

vuejs an example of the simple object syntax


vuejs with Custom Components



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vue add the :class property


Generating Class Names on the Dynamically

vuejs dynamically created the name of the class


export default {
data() {
return {
box: ‘blue-box’,

.blue-box {
color: navy;
background: white;
vuejs Button component

export default {
props: {
box: {
type: String,
default: ‘default’,

.default {}

.primary {}

.danger {}

vuejs Cleaning Things Up as well as Computed Props


export default {
computed: {
class() {
return devType ? ‘dev-box’ : ‘live-box’;

Web Programming Tutorials Example with Demo

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You can also read about AngularJS, ASP.NET, VueJs, PHP.

I hope you get an idea about VueJS Dynamically add CSS Class.
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