vuejs Table Searching Sorting and Pagination

vuejs Table Searching Sorting and Pagination

Today, We want to share with you vuejs Table Searching Sorting and Pagination.
In this post we will show you Searching Sorting and Pagination in vuejs Example, hear for Building Table Sorting and Pagination in Vue.js we will give you demo and example for implement.
In this post, we will learn about Searching Sorting and Pagination in vuejs Example with an example.

In this Post Simple Functionality define Like as a Vuejs through vuejs Sorting,vuejs search or searchQuery and vuejs page-navigation with pagination using vuejs.for very useful in this post SEARCHING SORTING AND PAGINATION IN VUEJS EXAMPLE

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Searching Sorting and Pagination in vuejs Example

{{key | capitalize}}

// Make a list of 100 of random dummy data
var baseData = [{
name: ‘infinityknow com’,
power: Infinity
}, {
name: ‘w3free com’,
power: 9000
}, {
name: ‘infinityknow com’,
power: 7000
}, {
name: ‘Jet Li’,
power: 8000

// looping through data display using vuejs
var gridData = Array(250).fill(null).map(function() {
return Object.assign({}, baseData[Math.floor(Math.random() * 4)]);

// here id or uniq register the grid simple component
Vue.component(‘grid’, {
template: ‘#grid-template’,
props: {
data: Array,
columns: Array

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// simple Create the view-model in vuejs
var gridViewModel = new Vue({
el: ‘#grid-view-model’,
data: {
searchQuery: ”,
gridColumns: [‘name’, ‘power’],
gridData: gridData,
startRow: 0,
rowsPerPage: 10
methods: {
pageMoves: function(amount) {
var startrownew = this.startRow + (amount * this.rowsPerPage);
if (startrownew >= 0 && startrownew < gridData.length) {
this.startRow = startrownew;
filters: {
orderByBusinessRules: function(data) {
return data.slice().sort(function(a, b) {
return a.power – b.power;


Vuejs – Demo

We hope you get an idea about vuejs Table Searching Sorting and Pagination
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READ :  Sorting and Searching using Vuejs - Vuejs table sort pagination

We hope This Post can help you…….Good Luck!.

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