Vuejs ui Draggable Rotatable AND Resizable Example

Vuejs ui Draggable Rotatable AND Resizable Example

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Vuejs ui Draggable Rotatable AND Resizable Example


In this post we will show you Best way to implementdraggable and resizable grid layout with Vue.js , hear for vue-grid-layout: A draggable and resizable grid layout with Download .we will give you demo,Source Code and examples for implement Step By Step Good Luck!.

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Application Requirement/Dependencies

  • Simple Iclude External Resources HTML
  • CSS
  • Vue Instance
  • Virtual Dom
  • funda of JavaScript
  • file (String) is required
  • autoPlay (Boolean) is false by default


[php]npm install vue-grid-layout[/php]


Move and resize using vuejs event listeners can be simple added to each all the grid-item, so that can be the parent data Vue can be notified when a new grid HTML element is being moved data or grid resized. Moved grid and resized grid event listeners using vuejs can be added, if the simple only notification needed is when list of the grid an item is all the finished moving grid or resizing grid.

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we will give youOut Put For : GitHub,JSFiddle and codepen Based.

GitHub – Vuejs ui Draggable Rotatable AND Resizable Example


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Vuejs ui Draggable Rotatable AND Resizable Example

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