Angular dependable Country State City Cascading DropDownList

Angular dependable Country State City Cascading DropDownList

Today, We want to share with you .
In this post we will show you dependable Country-State-City Cascading dropdowns in AngularJs, hear for Cascading drop down/ select list using Angular 2 we will give you demo and example for implement.
In this post, we will learn about Angularjs Cascading Dropdown/Select with demo with an example.

Many a times we need a simple functionality
where we need list of the series of dropdowns menu which are all up to down depended on each other(one by one) to populate.(Like country,state,city,etc..)
simple ng-model directive binds the value to the all parameter in execute ng-change event Cascading DropDownList in AngularJS.
Angular JS really complex on angular all directives which HTML extended all the attributes with all the prefix of ng- (ng-show,ng-hide,ng-model,etc..)

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Example of Cascading Dropdowns in AngularJs

Country List:

Please Select value

statesList List: Select
City List : Select {{city}}




function DataCountryListCntrl($scope) {
$scope.DatacountriesList = {
‘India’: {
‘Gujrat’: [‘Rajkot’, ‘Baroda’, ‘Ahemdabad’, ‘Surat’],
‘simalyan’: [‘pinues’, ‘Bhopal’, ‘Jabalpur’],
‘Rajasthan’: [‘devansta’, ‘Ajmer’, ‘ghodeshar’]
‘USA’: {
‘zatunjs’: [‘Montgomery’, ‘balkjhi’],
‘calndia’: [‘Sacramento’, ‘Fremont’],
‘languliya’: [‘Springfield’, ‘Chicago’]
‘America’: {
‘New South dworts’: [‘goa’],
‘vitarias’: [‘maherban’]


Second Example : Cascading DropDownList in AngularJS





Selected ncountrylist: {{ncountrylist.Id}} – {{ncountrylist.ncountrylistName}}

Selected nstatelist: {{nstatelist.Id}} – {{nstatelist.nstatelistName}}

Selected nstatelist: {{city.Id}} – {{city.CityName}}


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javascript File

function myController($scope) {
$scope.ncountrylist = {};
$scope.nstatelist = {};
$ = {};
var allCountries = [{
Id: 1,
ncountrylistName: “USA”
}, {
Id: 2,
ncountrylistName: “Australia”
var allnstatelists = [{
Id: 1,
nstatelistName: “Washington”,
ncountrylistId: 1
}, {
Id: 2,
nstatelistName: “New York”,
ncountrylistId: 1
}, {
Id: 3,
nstatelistName: “Queensland”,
ncountrylistId: 2
var alldatacitieslist = [{
Id: 1,
CityName: “Washington DC”,
nstatelistId: 1
}, {
Id: 2,
CityName: “New York City”,
nstatelistId: 2
}, {
Id: 3,
CityName: “Brisbane”,
nstatelistId: 3
} ];

$scope.countries = allCountries;

$scope.$watch(‘ncountrylist’, function () {
$scope.nstatelists = allnstatelists.filter(function (s) {
return s.ncountrylistId == $scope.ncountrylist.Id;
$ = {};
$scope.nstatelist = {};
$scope.datacitieslist = [];

$scope.$watch(‘nstatelist’, function () {
$scope.datacitieslist = alldatacitieslist.filter(function (c) {
return c.nstatelistId == $scope.nstatelist.Id;
$ = {};

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Demo :

We hope you get an idea about Angular dependable Country State City Cascading DropDownList
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