Angular form ng submit Directive

Angular form ng submit Directive

Today, We want to share with you Angular form ng submit Directive.
In this post we will show you Angular ng-submit Directive, hear for AngularJS Form Submit with Example we will give you demo and example for implement.
In this post, we will learn about AngularJS Tutorial: Submitting form with ng-submit with an example.

READ :  AngularJS ng-init Directive Multiple Values Example

The ng-submit one type of directive or events specifies call a function to run when the HTML form is submitted data send to js function.

Syntax for ng-submit





angularjs form ng-submit example – AngularJS (

Create a Sales Item Data

Sales Item Code
P/o No.
Delivery Date
Sub Total

No ItemCode Description UOM Po/no QTY Rate Delivery Date Tax Sub Total Total
{{$index}} {{sl.itemcode}} {{sl.description}} {{sl.uom}} {{sl.pono}} {{sl.qty}} {{sl.rate}} {{sl.ddate}} {{}} {{sl.subtotal}} {{}}

Solution of AngularJs All Problems For

My First Web-Application in angularjs, So I am very happy and 1000+ more then people are used of

var app=angular.module(‘infinityknowApp’,[]);
app.controller(‘infinityknowCtrl’, function($scope)
$scope.SalesLineList = [];
$scope.createSales = function(sales){

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We hope you get an idea about Angular form ng submit Directive
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