Angular Interval Service Example

Angular Interval Service Example

Today, We want to share with you Angular Interval Service Example.
In this post we will show you Angular Interval Service Example, hear for Angular Interval Service Example we will give you demo and example for implement.
In this post, we will learn about Angular Interval Service Example with an example.

The $interval-service easy to executes a imp method after a certain delay(Like as a animation), which is specified in some milliseconds.

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Syntax of the Interval Service

$interval(your method name, delay-milliseconds, [totalcount], [invokeApply], [passThough]);


  • your method name -> is a function().
  • delay-milliseconds ->number.
  • totalcount-> number.
  • invokeApply->optional.
  • passThough->optional.

what is service?

In infinityknow AngularJS Tutorials, a service is a one type of function, or object and that is available any for, and limited to particular, your AngularJS web-application.

Defination of The $interval Service

The $interval service is only AngularJS support’ allow version of the window.setInterval function.

Other words , The $interval Method service executes (run) the specified some function call on every particular some milliseconds duration.

The AngularJS $interval service makes use of same as the JavaScript setInterval method and works using angular in the exact same way.

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Starting the $interval function :two parameters

1. The function to be executed in $interval.
2. The time delay in Millisecondsin $interval.

AngularJS $interval service example

The following below example demonstrates used in $interval service that html displays a counter like as a timer on each 2000 milliseconds.


AngularJs Interval Service Example |$interval Service

$interval Service Result is :


var ngApp = angular.module(‘ngApp’, []);

ngApp.controller(“IntervalController”, function ($scope, $interval) {
$scope.pcount = 0;

var increasevalCounter = function () {
$scope.pcount = $scope.pcount + 1;

$interval(increasevalCounter, 2000);


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