Angularjs get last item Array Object and json Example

Angularjs get last item Array Object and json Example

Simple get the last record in an array in AngularJS Example


{{ObjectsArr[ObjectsArr.length – 1]}}


Selecting last element in AngularJS array

Simple get the all the data array in angularjs to get last id and record to get using angular directives.

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How to get the last record in an array in AngularJS

  • {{prod}}


var liveapp = angular.module(‘liveapp’, [‘ui.bootstrap’]);
liveapp.controller(‘livectrl’, function ($scope) {
$scope.listdata = [1,2,3]

Get last item of array – Angular/JSON

Simple get the all the data array/Angular/JSON in angularjs to get last id and record to get using angular directives.

var myliveadd = $scope.datasource[$scope.datasource.length – 1]

Angular.js get index of last element in 2d array in ng-repeat Example



function myCtrl($scope) {
$scope.livearr = [[1,2,6],[1,2,7,9],[2],[1,5,3,2,6]];

Get specific simple JSON object filter by id from JSON array in Example of AngularJS

Simple get the all the data array/Angular/JSON in angularjs to get last id and record to get using angular directives.

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$filter(‘filter’)(sdata.success, {id: 1})[0];
app.controller(‘liveCtrl’, [‘$filter’, function($filter) {
var sdata = { “success”: [
“id”: 12,
“name”: “laravel”
“id”: 2,
“name”: “angular”
“id”: 3,
“name”: “Vuejs”
] };

myobj = $filter(‘filter’)(sdata.success, function (d) {return === 2;})[0];


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