Angularjs json stringify – angularjs parse json – angular to Json

Angularjs json stringify – angularjs parse json – angular to Json

JSON.parse using Angularjs

$http.get(‘api/index.php/get_live_appdata’).success (function(data){
if ($window.sessionStorage.getItem(“live_data”) === null) {
$scope.live_data = JSON.parse($window.sessionStorage.getItem(“live_data”));
$scope.sumtp = parseFloat($window.sessionStorage.getItem(“sumtpdata”));


JSON.stringify using Angularjs

$http.get(‘api/index.php/get_result_age_data/’+$routeParams.live_id).success (function(data){
if ($window.sessionStorage.getItem(“result_age_data”) === null) {
var parameter = JSON.stringify({ander: data});
$‘api/index.php/log’,parameter).success (function(data){});

$scope.result_age_data = JSON.parse($window.sessionStorage.getItem(“result_age_data”));
$scope.sumtill = parseFloat($window.sessionStorage.getItem(“sumtill”));
$scope.sumageon = parseFloat($window.sessionStorage.getItem(“sumageon”));
$scope.sumspark = parseFloat($window.sessionStorage.getItem(“sumspark”));


angular.toJson using Angularjs


READ :  convert JSON format string into Object using AngularJS - angular json

router provider

Routing with get Query string

function($routeProvider) {
when(‘/’, {
title: ‘Web Tutorials’,
templateUrl: ‘mypage.html’,
controller: ‘myCtrl’
.when(‘/home/:live_id’, {
title: ‘’,
templateUrl: ‘liveage.html’,
controller: ‘liveCtrl’
redirectTo: ‘/’

Example Of angular.toJson using Angularjs

Simple Serializes input Elements into a JSON-formatted convert string. and more Properties with leading like as a special char $$ sign to characters will be stripped since using AngularJS uses this simple notation internally.

HTML part

In Controller
$scope.showJson = function() {
$scope.json = angular.toJson($scope.user);

{{user | json}}

angular.isObject using angularjs

if a reference type is an Object type. Unlike typeof check in JavaScript, nulls value are not considered to be any objects. Note that JavaScript any arrays are init objects.

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$scope.json = angular.isObject($scope.schools);

angular.isArray using angularjs

if a reference type is an any Array. simple Alias of new Array.isArray.

$scope.json = angular.isArray($scope.schools);



angular stringify

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