Today, We want to share with you CCAvenue Payment Gateway Integration in PHP.
In this post we will show you ccavenue integration in php, hear for CC Avenue Payment Gateway Integration in PHP we will give you demo and example for implement.In this post, we will learn about ccavenue integration php sample code with an example.
CCAvenue Payment Gateway Integration Example
There are the Following The simple About CCAvenue Payment Gateway Integration in PHP Full Information With Example and source code.CCAvenue Payment Gateway stand the Top way of ecommerce solutions.
First of all you should to make a an account Sign up with CCAvenue
Create a index.php file
it is “Y” status then it is successfully authorized by payment gateway
it is “B” status then it is not authenticated by payment gateway
it is “N” status then it is unsuccessful authorized as well as unauthorized transaction by payment gateway
Use below source code define PHP functions to fetch all the check sum using main function fetchchecksum() as well as some verify returned data checksum using function of PHP verifychecksum(). as well as $_GET variable having get the status as auth_status
You will also some source code like related Post PHP to Integrate Payment Gateways
PHP – Paypal Payment Gateway Integration
Escrow with Paypal Payments Pro API Integration Using PHP
Laravel 5.4 Paypal integration – Paypal Payment Gateway
Enjoy Your Source code.
function leftshift($myStrVal , $total_number) {
$myStrVal = DecBin($myStrVal);
for( $i = 0 ; $i < (64 – strlen($myStrVal)) ; $i++)
$myStrVal = "0".$myStrVal ;
for($i = 0 ; $i
function cdec($total_number) {
for ($n = 0 ; $n
> 16) & 0xffff;
for($i = 0 ; $i
Read :
You can also read about AngularJS, ASP.NET, VueJs, PHP.
I hope you get an idea about ccavenue payment gateway integration php Example.
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