PHP classes constructor and destructor Example

Today, We want to share with you PHP classes constructor Example.In this post we will show you php class constructor, hear for php oop examples, class in php, php class example, php class const. we will give you demo and example for implement.
In this post, we will learn about class constants in php, php private variable, public variable in php. with an example.

php classes constructor Demo

If a any Your PHP class name and PHP function name will be same or match in that case function is known as php classes constructor.

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php classes Constructor is special type of the function So its name is same to class name.PHP Constructor automatically dynamic calls when simple object will be mode of initializing.

Constructor and destructor in PHP

$obj= new Stud();

This is user defined constructor of class Stud
This is test method of class Stud

Imp Note : Now, I have simple called studentFirst() PHP method but I did not a new call Stud() function so it then automatically called simple when main object is mode of the initialized.

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I hope you get an idea about php classes constructor.
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