VueJS 2.0 Tutorials Vue 2 introduction Examples

VueJS 2.0 Tutorials Vue 2 introduction Examples

In this Post We Will Explain About is VueJS 2.0 Tutorials Vue 2 introduction Examples With Example and Demo.Welcome on – Examples, The best For Learn web development Tutorials,Demo with Example! Hi Dear Friends here u can know to VueJS 2.0 data binding, Listing Data, Render Select Field OptionsExample

In this post we will show you Best way to implement Dynamic Components in Vue.js , hear for javascript – vuejs update parent data from child componentwith Download .we will give you demo,Source Code and examples for implement Step By Step Good Luck!.

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How to use VueJS 2.0?

VueJS is very simple or popular framework for javascript developing user interface as well as user friendly lightweight framework, This framework more great focus on User interface meaning lightweight the View from MVC easy structure pattern, today VueJS begin used in Server side Laravel Framework it is very high and growing with Laravel so if your a server side Laravel framework developer or want to easy way to learn Laravel framework using VueJS is used to be very well supportive and usable while your used to start easy step to working on live web-liveApplication using server side Laravel framework it will more boost growing your career.

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How to install VueJS?

There are following three different ways to step by step install VueJS, here those are using simple script to put CDN, or NPM as well as CLI here I would simple recommend to use Laravel way CDN as it is easy to below source code with.


VieJS Simple Data binding

VueJS supports lightweight and dynamic data binding MVC based to the DOM with very simple source code, following simple more example shows how we can simple two way bind data and more display resultson to the webpage or web liveApplication.


VueJS 2.0 Examples : Devloped By

Vuejs Examples : Devloped By

{{ spvalue }}

var liveApp = new Vue({
el: “#liveApp”,
data: {
spvalue: “Live24u,com – Welcome”


Listing Data from an Array Object by Using VueJS Directive

[php] VueJS 2.0 Examples : : Devloped By

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Vuejs Examples : Devloped By

  • {{ item }}

var liveApp = new Vue({
el: “#liveApp”,
data: {
items: [‘Laravel’, ‘PHP’, ‘Angularjs’, ‘Vuejs’, ‘Magento’, ‘Mysql’]


VueJS Data Binding to the Select Option Form Field

[php] VueJS 2.0:: Devloped By

Select Item
{{ item.item_name }}

Vuejs Examples : Devloped By

Selected: {{ selected }}

var liveApp = new Vue({
el: “#liveApp”,
data: {
items: [
{id: 1, item_name: ‘Laravel’},
{id: 2, item_name: ‘PHP’},
{id: 3, item_name: ‘Angularjs’},
{id: 4, item_name: ‘Vuejs’},
{id: 5, item_name: ‘Magentoh’},
{id: 6, item_name: ‘Mysql’}
selected: ”


How get multiple selected items from select field in VueJS

[php] VueJS 2.0: Devloped By

Select Item
{{ item.item_name }}

Vuejs Examples : Devloped By

Selected: {{ selected }}

var liveApp = new Vue({
el: “#liveApp”,
data: {
items: [
{id: 1, item_name: ‘Laravel’},
{id: 2, item_name: ‘PHP’},
{id: 3, item_name: ‘Angularjs’},
{id: 4, item_name: ‘Vuejs’},
{id: 5, item_name: ‘Magentoh’},
{id: 6, item_name: ‘Mysql’}
selected: []



I hope you have Got What is VueJS 2.0 dynamic Attribute binding Class Name binding And how it works.I would Like to have FeadBack From My Blog( readers.Your Valuable FeadBack,Any Question,or any Comments abaout This Article( Are Most Always Welcome.

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