AngularJS Country State City Cascading DropDownList

AngularJS Country State City Cascading DropDownList

In this Post We Will Explain About is AngularJS Country State City Cascading DropDownList With Example and Demo.Welcome on – Examples, The best For Learn web development Tutorials,Demo with Example! Hi Dear Friends here u can know to angularjs cascading dropdown directiveExample

In this post we will show you Best way to implement country state city drop down list using angularjs, hear for populate dropdown 2 based on dropdown 1 selection angularjswith Download .we will give you demo,Source Code and examples for implement Step By Step Good Luck!.

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Hi, friends in this article we going to see simple how to do cascading depended dropdown list – Country and state using AngularJS. Most of the depended times we want a all the functionality where we need a simple list of dropdowns selected which are all the depended on each simple other to populate data list.

Head Part


AngularJS Cascading DropDownList – Country and State And City




Make a HTML file and define markup


AngularJS Cascading DropDownList – Country and State And City

Select Country

Select Model

Select City


Make a js file and define scripting


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function carsList($scope) {
$scope.countrys = {
‘India’: {
‘Gujrat’: [‘Rajkot’, ‘Junaghdha’, ‘Ahemdabad’, ‘Jammnagar’, ‘Surat’],
‘Rajesthan’: [‘Rajesthan_1’, ‘Rajesthan_2’, ‘Rajesthan_3’, ‘Rajesthan_4’],
‘up’: [‘up_1’, ‘up_2’],
‘Mp’: [‘Mp_1’, ‘Mp_2’, ‘Mp_3’, ‘Mp_4’]
‘Pakistan’: {
‘pk_sub1’: [‘pk_sub_data1’, ‘pk_sub_data2’, ‘pk_sub_data3’],
‘pk_sub2’: [‘pk_sub2_data1’, ‘pk_sub2_data2’, ‘pk_sub2_data3’],
‘pk_sub3’: [‘pk_sub3_data1’, ‘pk_sub3_data2’, ‘pk_sub3_data3’]
‘Austreliya’: {
‘sub2aus’: [‘sub2aus_01’, ‘sub2aus_02’, ‘sub2aus_03’, ‘sub2aus_04’],
‘sub21aus’: [‘sub21aus_01’],
‘sub22aus’: [‘sub22aus_01’, ‘sub22aus_02’]



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