Difference between Class and Structure in C#.NET

Difference between Class and Structure in C#.NET

Today, We want to share with you Difference between Class and Structure in C#.NET.
In this post we will show you Difference Between Class And Structure, hear for C# Fundamentals: The Differences Between Struct and Class we will give you demo and example for implement.In this post, we will learn about What is difference between class and structure in C Sharp? with an example.

Introduction: Difference Between Class And Structure

In this post, we will learn about difference Between Class And Structure in C#.Net.

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  1. Class is a reference type and its object is created on the heap memory.
  2. Class can inherit the another class.
  3. Class can have the all types of constructor and destructor.
  4. The member variable of class can be initialized directly.
  5. class object can not be created without using the new keyword, it means we have to use it.TestClass obj=new TestClass();


  1. Structure is a value type so its object is created on the stack memory.
  2. Structure does not support the inheritance concept.
  3. Structure can only have the parametrized constructor. it means a structure can not have the non-parametrized constructor,default constructor and destructor also.
  4. The member variable of structure can not be initialized directly.
  5. Structure object can be created without using the new keyword.(optional)TestClass obj;

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I hope you get an idea about Difference between Class and Structure in .NET.
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